Polished Concrete Blog
How to get well define polished concrete floors
There are normally ten to fifteen steps required in producing polished concrete floors with many grinding passes, although there are other ways to get a similar polished concrete appearance. The general rule of grinding – double the diamond grit size for each...
Grinding and Polishing Corners of Concrete Floors
We finally have the answer for getting into corners. This has been a major problem in the industry, and our research and development into this problem has resulted in a simple, low cost corner tool kit. This kit consists of finger and triangle tools that fit onto an...
Consumer benefits of using polished concrete
Homeowners, Retailers, and Big-Box Store Managers know the value of polished concrete floors, Superintendents of Schools, Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Concert Venues, Parking Garages, and decision-makers at any structures with concrete floors know value. Taking the extra...